Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fitness Together Volume 2 Issue 06

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Volume 2, Issue 2
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Fitness Together





Chocolate Banana Tofu Pudding
  • 1 banana, broken into chunks
  • 1 (12 ounce) package soft silken tofu
  • 1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
  • 5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 3 tablespoons soy milk
  • 1 pinch ground cinnamon
Place the banana, tofu, sugar, cocoa powder, soy milk, and cinnamon into a blender. Cover, and puree until smooth. Pour into individual serving dishes, and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.
Beginner Chest Workout
Need to tone up the chest area? Here's a few exercises to get you started. While working out with your trainer you will have a spotter - but remember if you are doing these at home, always have a spotter.
Bench Press: Start with 2 light sets of 15 repetitions to get warmed up. Then do 4 heavy sets with as much weight as you can handle, do declining repetitions of 10, 7, 5, and 3.
Decline Bench Press: 3 heavy sets of 10, 7, and 5 repetitions.
Incline Bench Press: 3 heavy sets of 10, 7, and 5 repetitions.
Essential Gear for Bicycle Commuters
You've got a new bike; you're ready to lower your carbon footprint, and boost your health. Stay as safe as possible with this list of essential gear for beginning bicycle commuters.
Most importantly, you'll need a helmet. Don't go for the fanciest helmet in the store; purchase a mid-quality helmet that fits snugly. A visor clip is a good addition for those days when you are riding at sunrise or sunset. Make sure you know how to adjust the helmet straps before you leave the store.
If you want to keep your pants cuffs intact, invest in a couple of velcro cuff straps. These will prevent your pants from getting caught in the chain. Look for straps with reflectors for added safety.
If your bike isn't already equipped, you should get a water bottle and holder; this will be very beneficial on warm days or long rides.
LED blinkers will increase your visibility to motorists. Mount one under your seat, facing the rear, and clip another to your helmet or bag. LED headlights are also good for the front of your bike, you can adjust the brightness and the batteries last a long time. Many riders also buy a headlight that mounts on the helmet. This allows you to see wherever you look, instead of where the bike is pointed.
Lastly, a lightweight jacket and pants combo that can easily be compressed and packed will keep you from getting soaked on the road.
Take as many precautions as you can when it comes to bicycle safety. If you get equipped with the gear on this list and you stay alert, you'll be cruising down easy street before you know it.

Spring Back Into Shape After Pregnancy
Many new things are happening in your life after pregnancy. While you are figuring out your new routine, don't forget to add exercise to the list. Being active right after pregnancy doesn't sound like fun to most people, but it's the best time to boost metabolism, reduce stress, and shed those extra pounds. Consult with your doctor to find out how soon you should start a new fitness regimen.
Some easy at-home workouts:
Yoga: Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and regain flexibility. For fatigue, try the Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose. The Warrior II Pose is great for building stamina and extra strength.
Walking: Taking short slow walks will give you an energy boost and prepare you for more intense workouts later. They're also a low key way to spend time with baby and get out of the house.
Kegel exercises: These exercises involve strengthening weakened pelvic muscles by making small contractions of the muscles at the vaginal wall. Kegel exercises help with bladder control issues.
Abdominal workouts like pelvic tilts and isometric contractions are good postnatal workouts to begin with. As you gain strength, you can move on to more difficult abdominal exercises that you may have had in your routine before pregnancy. If you've had a c-section, you need to let your body completely heal before attempting any type of abdominal exercise.
Here are a few additional exercises you can perform with your baby when you're ready to step up your postnatal workout.
Push up kisses: Place your baby underneath you, each time you do a push up kiss your baby. Modify them by putting your knees on the floor when starting out. Pushups are one of the most effective workouts in using your body weight to tone your arms, shoulders, core, and back.
Elbow/shoulder wedge: A modified push up position where you have your elbows on the ground instead of your flat hands. Keep your abdominal muscles tight, and hold this position for as long as possible for an outstanding ab workout. It's also a good opportunity to tickle your baby or make funny faces.
The most important thing to remember with postnatal workouts is to ease into it slowly until it becomes a routine. Stay hydrated and focused and the extra pounds will quickly go away.

Make Yourself Eat Healthier
Are you having a hard time eating healthy food even though you would like to have a healthier diet? 63% of Americans are overweight, so it's more important than ever to switch up your eating habits. Follow these steps towards leaving the junk food at the grocery store.
Prepare it yourself. Yes, we know it's easier to grab a bag of chips, or swing into a fast food drive-thru than it is to prepare a meal on your own, step one is to stop doing that! Many healthy meals can be prepared in less than 15 minutes, that's probably the same amount of time it will take you to drive to the fast food restaurant and back. Substitute late evening ice cream with an apple, or some other type of fruit. Small changes will keep you at a healthier weight.
Create a meal plan. It's a lot easier to stick with a program if you have a plan. If you want to cut calories, or add more vegetables to your diet you can easily find charts and plans online that serve this purpose. It should only take you about 30 minutes to chart the entire plan and you won't run into any problems because you'll have everything you need.
Cook in batches. Have a cooking day and create several small meals at one time. Store them in containers in your refrigerator for later. Eventually, you'll get used to grabbing one of your healthy concoctions instead of a bag of chips. It can also save money if you prepare a healthy meal to take with you to work each day. Healthy and rich? Sounds good.
Eating healthy has too many benefits to list. If you make a plan and stick to it, you're body will reward you for it. Before you know it, fast food restaurants and junk food will be invisible.

Client Of The Month-
Lesha Sloan-
       Lesha is a great example of what it takes to be successful here at Fitness Together. She has been a client for about 4-5 months now, she consistently does cardio on her off days to compliment her strength and full fitness training here.
Lesha has achieved positive numbers in all of her fitness and health goals. Not only in total bodyweight, bodyfat %, endurance, and strength but also in her physique and muscle structure.
CONGRATULATIONS Lesha keep up the hard work and we more that appreciate you not only as a client but as a friend as well.
Thank you for everything.
Seth, Brad, Rickey, and Kristen

Fitness Together • 1300 W. Vandament Ave • Yukon • OK • 73099

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